Sunday, January 11, 2009

Be Our Guest at Our Next LinkedIn Webinar

Are you trying to use LinkedIn but don't know how to maximize its potential?

After six years of training over 2000 people, I'm here to help.

As you are trying to do more with less this year how can you get more done in less time and do it better and still have less stress? If you think about it, we get most things done through other people. If you are in sales, we get things done when people buy. If we are in management, we get things done when people execute on the game plan. If we are an individual contributor, we often get things done when others help us.

So if you want to accomplish more and do it in less time, it helps to know the right people. If you are in sales, that means knowing more prospects.

If you are in management it means knowing people in other companies who share the same challenges. If you are an individual contributor it means knowing more people like you who the same thing you do who are willing to help you.

Where do you find these people? On LinkedIn. You may already be on LinkedIn. But, have you found the people you need to help you achieve your goals and do more in less time?
Will Rogers said “Even if you are on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” What’s the point?

Yet, just being on LinkedIn isn’t enough. You have to know how to use it properly. It's similar to owning a high-performing car. For example, owning a car that does 200 MPH doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to drive it.

If you know how to use LinkedIn you can:

- Cut sales cycle time by 30%
- Meet new people who share your challenges and who are willing to help
- Meet the right professionals for networlding

And, when you start looking for a job you can cut your search time by 30% too! But you have to know what to do and how to it. Otherwise, like Will Rogers said, “you’ll get run over.” In today’s work environment it is harder and harder to do more with less and do it in less time. But, if you know the secret, if you know what to do and how to do it, you can still get it done without stress.
So how can you get started? It’s fast and easy.

Here is a webinar that gets you on your way. It is a real life, practical and proven approach to what you need to know.

I've helped companies like Motorola and organizations like Yale University. This is a “no-nonsense” real-world seminar. You’ll get more in an hour than you ever imagined.

The mandate to do more with less will only get stronger. Increase your chance for success in this tough economy. Email me at if you are interested in joining us for our next webinar.

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